Clinical Neuropsychology: assessment and rehabilitation

LPSYS2925  2016-2017  Louvain-la-Neuve

Clinical Neuropsychology: assessment and rehabilitation
6.0 credits
45.0 h + 15.0 h

Edwards Martin ; Samson Dana ;
Online resources

Course slides and other material as well as exercises on Moodle

Main themes

Issues related to neuropsychological diagnosis and rehabilitation in relation to memory deficits, attentional and executive function deficits, social cognition deficits and perception and action deficits.

Special emphasis is put on issues which allow (1) choosing adequate diagnostic tools, (2) critically interpreting a patient's profile in relation to theoretical models, (3) writing a neuropsychological report and (4) identifying the relevant type of intervention for a given patient as well as the means to verify the effectiveness of the intervention.


At the end of this teaching unit, the student will be able to:

- Analyze the profile of performance of a patient on classic neuropsychological tests in relation to a cognition model (A1 and A2)

- Present the results of neuropsychological tests in a neuropsychological report by following the conventional writing format (C1 and C2)

- Propose intervention options which are in line with the patient's profile (B1 and secondarily B2 and B3)

In addition, group work on a clinical vignette and the administration of neuropsychological tests will reinforce the following competences:

- Interacting efficiently with peers (D1, D2, D3)

- Acting as a university psychologist in a rigorous, deontological and ethical manner (E1, E2, E3)

Finally, self-learning opportunities will allow the student to assess and increase his/her professionalism and competences (F1 and F2).

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.


Four topical parts:

(1) Assessment and rehabilitation of memory deficits

(2) Assessment and rehabilitation of attentional and executive function deficits

(3) Assessment and rehabilitation of decision making and social cognition deficits

(4) Assessment and rehabilitation of perception and action deficits

In each of these parts, the following aspects will be covered: classical tests in relation to the underlying theoretical models, classic strategies and protocols for rehabilitation, new emergent theoretical models and their implications in terms of assessment and rehabilitation.


Two methodological parts

(1) Writing of a neuropsychological report

(2) Administration of neuropsychological tests

Other information

The course is based on concepts seen in the following Bloc 3 module: LPSP1327 Clinical Neuropsychogy. The content of this module is made available as a self-learning module on Moodle for students who have not taken that module in their program.

Faculty or entity<

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Program title
Master [120] in Psychology