Language, Culture, Translation and Interpreting - Spanish

LLSTI2140  2016-2017  Louvain-la-Neuve

Language, Culture, Translation and Interpreting - Spanish
4.0 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h

Munoz Mendoza Carlos ;
Online resources

'    TVE, Memoria de España
'    Universidad de Traducción de Valladolid,
'    LAFARGA, F, PEGENAUTE, L (Eds.) - Historia de la traducción en España


For allophone students with a competency level of B2 in both French and Spanish

Main themes




The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.

Evaluation methods

Final written exam in June. Students will be allowed to have the table of contents.
The final grade takes practical work and active involvement in account (25%).

Teaching methods

The methodology combines lectures delivered in Spanish (with video support) and practical work, which both require an important reading, summarizing and writing effort from each student. Reading list. Presentation made by the students. Theory lectures: 45 h, practical work: 15 h.


This course consist of two parts:
1) the history of modern Spain's most relevant processes, the analysis of its political, institutional and cultural systems' basis, along with leading social challenges (nationalism, economic crisis).

2) Spanish diachronic grammar, the various lexical contributions in history and its expansion to America. Translation as a tool allowing intercultural interaction and a lever to intellectual progress.


'    JULIÁ, S., et al. (2003): La España del siglo XX, Marcial Pons, Ediciones de Historia, Madrid.
'    C. FERRERA, (2006) : Diccionario de Historia de España, Alianza Editorial,  Madrid.
'    M. ALONSO, E. FURIO, (2008) : Panorama de l'Espagne contemporaine, Ellipses, Paris, (bilingue).     
'    RALPH PENNY, (1993) : Gramática Histórica del español, Ariel, Barcelona,.
'    LODARES, J.L. (2001) : Gente de Cervantes. Historia humana del español, Taurus, Madrid.
'    ALEZA, M et al.  (1999) : Estudios de Historia de la lengua española en América y España, facultad de Filología, Universidad de Valencia.
'    TORRES, A. (2005) : El Español de América, Universidad de Barcelona.
'    PEGENAUTE, L. et LAFARGA, F. (2004) : Historia de la traducción en España. Ambos mundos, Salamanca.

Other information

All further information, textbook, documents and resources will be uploaded in an e-learning platform.

Faculty or entity<

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Program title
Master [120] in Translation

Master [120] in Interpreting