Sight translation Russian > French

LINTP2260  2016-2017  Louvain-la-Neuve

Sight translation Russian > French
3.0 credits
0.0 h + 30.0 h

Frogneux Cécile ;
Online resources


  • Proficiency in Language A (mother tongue or acquired target language: French);

Good comprehension (level C2) of Language C (Russian)

Main themes


Evaluation methods

Oral exam: sight translation of a general text (politics, society, Russian culture) (about 600 - 700 words).
Assessment criteria: 1) comprehension speed and quality (non-senses, faux senses, contresenses; extraction of relevant information; argumentative moves); 2) production fluency (pauses, false starts, self-correction) and quality of the target language (interferences, pragmatic adequacy, lexical variety, syntactic correctness).

Teaching methods

In-class course unit.
Exercises aiming at developing the following skills:
- simultaneous processing of visual and auditive information;
- interlinguistic and intermodal (written-to-oral) transfer.
To improve the comprehension speed and quality, students are required to compile a collection of articles on relevant subjects (politics, society) in the source language, to present weekly every other week an article and discuss the comprehension and transfer problems.


Sight translation from Russian into French of texts or speeches on societal issues, issues of topicality and Russian culture and society of increasing lengths and difficulties. Discussion on comprehension and transfer problems.


-  Dragsted, Barbara & Gorm Hansen, Inge (2009). Exploring
 translation and interpreting hybrids. The case of sight translation. Meta 54(3): 588-604.
- Ivars, Amparo Jiménez (2008). Sight translation and written translation. A comparative analysis of causes of problems, strategies and translation errors within the PACTE translation competence model. Forum 6(2): 79-103
- Lee, Jieun (2012). What skills do students need to learn in sight translation training? Meta 57(3): 694-714.

Other information


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Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Program title
Master [120] in Interpreting