Philosophy of Religion A

LFILO2130  2016-2017  Louvain-la-Neuve

Philosophy of Religion A
5.0 credits
30.0 h

This biannual course is taught on years 2015-2016, 2017-2018, ....

Maesschalck Marc ; Leclercq Jean ;
Online resources




Main themes

Religion belongs to human culture and thus has a general impact on man and, especially, involving man's reflection on his condition. This in particular establishes the philosophy of religion's place. Far removed from any positivist temptation (fundamentalism, fideism), this discipline ensures the believer as to the general conditions of religion in relation to thought. It moreover offers the unbeliever an approach to religion in its status as a thought system in cooperation with the human sciences. A Philosophy of Religion course takes its inspiration from the major precursors (Kant, Schelling, Hegel, etc...; as well as theologians when they express themselves as philosophers: Origen, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, etc...). It seeks to arm against any confusing of theology and religious philosophy.

Be capable of explaining the relationship of philosophy and religion, while respecting both the originality of religion and philosophy's right to reflect on religion.

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.

Evaluation methods

Travail de 10 pages à réaliser à partir d'une lecture de commentaire proposé en farde de lecture. Suite à l'envoi de ce travail par mail, l'étudiant recevra en retour une question sur le travail à préparer pour l'examen oral.

Exposé de la question lors de l'examen oral (15 min.).

Le travail peut être réalisé en français, en anglais, en espagnol ou en allemand, moyennant accord avec le titulaire.

Teaching methods


  • Jelen T.G. et Wilcox C., Religion and Politics in Comparative Perspective, The One, the Few, the Many, Cambridge UP, Cambridge, 2002.
  • Maesschalck M., Larouche J.-M., Jobin G. (éds), « La religion dans l'espace public », Numéro spécial de Ethique publique, 8/1 (2006).
  • Maesschalck M., « La philosophie de la religion et le tournant pragmatiste des sciences sociales », in Archivio di filosofia, LXXV/1-2 (2007), pp. 397- 412.
  • Kanabus B. et Maréchal J. (dir.), Dire la croyance religieuse. Langage, religion et société, Bruxelles, Peter Lang, coll. Anthropologie et philosophie sociale, 2012.
Other information


Faculty or entity<

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Program title
Master [120] in Anthropology

Master [120] in Philosophy

Master [120] in Ethics


Master [60] in Philosophy


Master [120] in Sciences of Religions

Master [120] in Theology