Analysis of news in the context of the EU

LEURO1301  2016-2017  Louvain-la-Neuve

Analysis of news in the context of the EU
3.0 credits
22.5 h

De Ruyt Jean ;


Main themes

1.      The Treaty of Lisbon : institutional context of today's EU  (origins, implications, appointment of the new institutional leaders, limitations)

2.      The EU Foreign Policy : accent on the relationship with Russia, the war in Syria, the fight against the Islamic state, the crises in Africa as well as the organisation of the EEAS and recent efforts in defence policy

3.      The enlargement policy : with the current enlargement fatigue , the Turkish problem and the issue of the borders of Europe

4.      The crisis of migration : asylum policy, sharing of the migrants, future of Schengen, control of the external borders, agreements with Turkey and some African countries

5.      The internal market and related policies: competition (with the Google case ), agriculture, transports, 'digital single market', health and economic and social policy

6.      Energy and climate change policy : special focus on the implementation of the Cop 21 agreement of 2015

7.      The crisis of  Trade policy : ratification of CETA with Canada,  negotiation of TTIP and other trade agreements with third countries

8.      The Eurozone crisis : development of theEMU, 2010-12 crisis, the launching of the Banking Union and the deepening of the EMU

9.     Brexit : its origins, the June 2016 referendum, the first consequences and the beginning of the negotiation

10.   Perspectives : current situation of the EU, its future, its place in the multipolar world, development of Euroscepticism, the two speed issue, the role of the EU in today's multipolar world, the two speed Europe issue, the question of leadership


Providing key reference points for understanding European news and its functioning, to students from various avenues of education.

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.

Evaluation methods

Written or oral examination.

Teaching methods



M. Buti, S. Deroose, V. Gaspar et J. Nogueira Martins, The Euro, the first decade, Cambridge University Press, 2010

De Ruyt Jean, Le leadership dans l'Union européenne, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2015

de Schoutheete Philippe, Méthode communautaire et Conseil européen, Notre Europe, 2012

Dony Marianne, Droit de l'Union européenne, Éditions de l'ULB, 4ème édition, 2012    

Dujardin Vincent et autres, La crise économique et financière de 2008 ' 2009, Peter Lang, 2010

Goulard, Sylvie et Monti Mario, De la démocratie en Europe, Flammarion, 2012                             

Lamfalussy Christophe, Maes Ivo et Peters Sabine, Alexandre Lamfalussy, le sage de l'Euro, Racines, 2013                                                                                                                    

Lehne Stefan, A window of opportunity to upgrade EU Foreign Policy, Carnegie Europe, 2 May, 2014

Majone Giandomenico, Rethinking the Union of Europe post crisis, Cambridge University Press, 20

Phinnemore David, The Treaty of Lisbon, origins and negotiation, Palgrave, 2013                         

Piris Jean Claude, The Lisbon Treaty, Cambridge University Press, 2010                                              

Piris Jean Claude, The future of Europe, towards a two speed EU?, Cambridge University Press, 2012

Van Middelaar Luuk, The passage to Europe, Yale University Press, 2013

Van Rompuy Herman, L'Europe dans la tempête, Racine, 2014                                               

Verhofstadt Guy, Les États Unis d'Europe, Luc Pire, 2006

Faculty or entity<

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Program title
Minor in European Studies