The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
What is required for this seminar is to write a paper on one of the topics treated in the lecture series. Seminar papers have to be handed in and presented to the rest of the class at the end of term. The paper and presentation can be either in French or in English. Students are evaluated on the basis of the quality of their contributions in the discussions and on the basis of their written report. Insofar as work is completed in groups, they are required to each participate in the presentation to allow for an individual assessment.
Lecture series by a number of outside speakers on relevant EU topics followed by time for questions and group discussion
This seminar will deal with a number of hotly debated European Economic Policies and their international implications. Different speakers from academia and the European Commission are invited to Louvain to come and tell about an important policy area in Europe and about their experiences of what is going on at the Commission. The list of topics and speakers changes every year. Past topics included Trade policy, Fiscal policy, Environmental Policy, Poverty and regional disparities etc.
a course in micro- and macro- economics is a good preparation for this course
./ communication between professor and students goes via the electronic platform icampus. You should enroll in the course to have access to the online documents such as course notes and slides that will be posted.