An introductory course on phonetics and phonology of French or any other language.
Familiarize students with prosody theories, and more specifically French prosody. The course will address three main issues: prosodic corpus annotation (perceptual and automatic); relation forms-functions; interpretation of prosody within corpora.
By the end of the course,
- students will be familiar with the main theories and annotation tools in prosody, and able to apply them to a small excerpt of speech.
- The students will be able to read scientific articles in the domain critically
- and to apply some of the research methods to carry out a small scale personal research project.
The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
Oral exam (70%) (personal research presentation). The active participation in class will also be taken into account in the attribution of the final mark (20%), as well as a test (10%) (prosodic annotation).
Flipped classroom: reading of the syllabus (complemented with scientific articles), classroom discussions, practical applications, presentation of a research project.
Main themes :
- Prosodic parameters
- Prosodic domains
- Functions of prosody
- Accentuation
- Intonation
- Pauses et hesitations
- Prosodic units
- Prosody and iconicity
- Rythm in speech
- Register
- Phonostylistique
For each theme, theoretical approaches and several methods of analysis.
Syllabus + website (iCampus)