Enquête et pratiques d'intervention en milieu rural tropical

LBRAI2214  2016-2017  Louvain-la-Neuve

Enquête et pratiques d'intervention en milieu rural tropical
3.0 credits
15.0 h + 15.0 h

Defourny Pierre ; Bragard Claude (coordinator) ; Baret Philippe ;
Online resources

I Campus

Main themes

The course covers the following topics:

- Complexity and diversity of farming systems in tropical regions (activity systems);

- Analysis of the strategies of actors and diversity of the reference systems; -

 strengths and limitations of projects and programs as development tools; Participatory survey methods and rapid diagnosis;

- Paradigm of participation and legitimacy of interventions;

- Analysis of the institutional environment and the role of bioengineering in the logics of intervention;

- Critical analysis of technical knowledge transmission practices based on real situations.


a. Contribution from operations AA repository program

M1.4., M1.5., M2.5., M3.6., M4.1., M4.4., M5.3, M5.9



b. Specific formulation for this activity AA program


At the end of this activity, the student is able to:

- Understand the complexity of rural life in tropical developing countries,

- To acquire critical skills for the analysis of practices,

- Acquire expertise on observing, understanding and characterizing village realities through surveys and participatory appraisal methods, including social and economic dimensions of agro-sylvo-pastoram production systems in rural areas,

- To position the intervention of a bioengineer in its broadest technical and institutional context.


The contribution of the EU to the development and mastery of skills and achievements of (the) program (s) is available at the end of this sheet in the "Programs / training offering this teaching unit (EU)."

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.

Evaluation methods

The assessment is made on the basis of participation in the course,  writing up of an account of one of the meeting and the presentation of a personal work (case study, if possible in connection with the MSc thesis).

Teaching methods

Lectures including practical examples followed by a discussion led by a responsible student


The course is based on a personal preparation of each session through a portfolio of required reading and active participation in seven sessions alternating methodological contributions, invited presentations and exchanges. An original dynamic is in place to encourage the contributions of each student  and a collective approach supporting the development of a constructive critical attitude. Class attendance is mandatory.

Other information

This course target audience any student who, as part of his memory or in his future career plans, wishes to interact with the realities of developing countries.

This course can be given in English.

Faculty or entity<

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Program title
Master [120] in Forests and Natural Areas Engineering

Master [120] in Agricultural Bioengineering