Final jury
- synthesis individual exercise gathering the contents of the three modules
- 25% for module 1
- 25% for module 2
- 50% for module 3
Module 1 : theoretical note and pitch by highlighting the project patrimonial issues and justifying the stance in the spot pf the study
Module 2 : delivery and presentation of in situ observational freehand drawings of the architectural and urban space. This file will be evaluated according to criteria of layout and framing, expressiveness and sensitivity of line, correctness of proportions and projections, quality rendering of shadows, light material and texture of observation and analysis .
Module 3 : graphic production showing a stance towards the spot and developing a detail chosen in the intervention proposal
The Learning Unit consists of :
- sessions and lectures in order to sustain the question
- in situ supervised observational drawing
- supervised and student-run workshops.
The Learning Unit will be devided in three complementary modules.
Module 1 : restauration theory
- Knowledge and understanding of the arousing of the concept of « historical Monument » in the Western world.
- Study of the works of significant theoreticians whose publications and thought contributed to the arousing of a restauration deontology.
- Anlisis of important texts and charters which progressively crystallised this deontology.
Module 2 : means of expression and representation
Analysis/expression/communication of a simple patrimony architectural object.
- In situ observational drawing as a knowledge, analysis, representation tool following the aim of the project, on different scales and for each step of the process (observation, research, composition, restitution, communication)
Module 3 : Design, setting up in a simple historical and patrimonial context. Generally speaking, the « Patrimony » project, initiated in 3rd BAC and specialized in Master opens and develops the question of the mutual valorization between a contemporary intervention and a building or a patrimonial point of interest, regarding :
- its situation in a given environment
- its inner and outer spatiality, its volume, its stylistic expression
- its apportionment and logic related to its first function
- its evolution throughout time tending to homogeneity or heterogeneity
- its first structural logic and its possible weaknesses due to modifications
- its significance and use value regarding to the environment and community around.
BRANDI, C., Théorie de la Restauration, Paris, Monum, Editions du Patrimoine, 2001
CHOAY, Fr., L'allégorie du Patrimoine, Paris, Seuil, 1992 ' 1999
GIOVANNONI, G., L'urbanisme face aux villes anciennes, Paris, Seuil, 1998
RIEGL, A. Le Culte moderne des monuments, Paris, Seuil, 1984
CRAMER, J., BREITLING, S., Architecture in existing fabric, Basel, Birkhäuser, 2007
LAPRADE, A. Les carnets d'Architecture, Paris, Kubik, 2006
Région de Bruxelles Capitale (collectif) Restauration(s) et conservation, Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, 2011
MONUMENTAL semestriel 1, 2013, revue scientifique et technique des monuments historiques, Dossier, Création architecturale et monuments historiques, Paris, Editions du patrimoine, 2013
MONUMENTAL semestriel 1, 2012, revue scientifique et technique des monuments historiques, Dossier, Monuments historiques et création artistique, Paris, Editions du patrimoine, 2012
MONUMENTAL semestriel 1, 2011, revue scientifique et technique des monuments historiques, Dossier, L'objet Monument historique, Protection, conservation, restauration et présentation, Paris, Editions du patrimoine, 2011
PEROUSE DE MONTCLOS J.M. Principes d'analyse scientifique, Vocabulaire de l'Architecture, méthode et vocabulaire, Editions du Patrimoine, Paris, 2011.