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Christian theologies outside Europe II [ LTHEO2872 ]

4.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

This biannual course is taught on years 2014-2015, 2016-2017, ...

Language French
of the course
Main themes

To achieve that objective,one will propse : - the study of a specific question vaying each year.


At the end of this course, the student will be able to have anopenness to the main contemporary theological currents in Africa, Asia or America (North & South).

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.

Evaluation methods

Students are required reactions in writing to have the most interest those who suvi the course content. They form the basis for a discussion with the teacher at the end of the course.

Teaching methods

The method gives priority to the first presentation of the proposed content in each class, for in a second time to open the students' questions. We also propose some texts to be read before class, which will be the subject of discussion and debate.


2014-2015 : The Latin American Theology and its new 'borders': the insignificance, the fragile subjectivity, the technocience and the religions.

In 2011 the Latin America theologians celebrated the 40th anniversary of the publication of the work which initiated the Liberation Theology[1]. In the following year, in São Leopoldo - Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), more than 750 people gathered in a Continental Congress to celebrate that special anniversary and the memory of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. In addition to the memory of that theological movement, the congress bent over backwards the continental reality to consider the new challenges and tasks of the present time for Christian reflection and practice in the region. Some ecclesial tendencies had diagnosed the exhaustion and death of this theological tendency. However, it is not that which springs up from the conferences, exchanges and debates that happened in São Leopoldo that indicates the new 'borders' of the Latin American theology: the insignificance of the poor, the fragile subjectivity, the technocience, the new religiosities, especially the pentecostals and new pentecostals, that challenge Liberation Theology to become more alive and creative than before.

After a short presentation of the history, method and content of Liberation Theology, the course will promote an analysis of its main contributions to the churches and societies of Latin America, as to the entirety of Christian theology. After that, beginning with the debates and conclusions presented in the Continental Congress, it will propose a reading of the main figures taken from the Christian Latin American tough facing the social, cultural and religious 'borders" that characterize the countries of that region. It deals also with the searching amongst the theological voices of Latin America those who allow themselves to be interrogated by those borders, producing significant and relevant speeches.


BOFF, L.Qu'est-ce que la theologie de la liberation? Paris: Cerf, 1987.

BRIGHENTI, A.; HERMANO, R. (org.). Congresso continental de teologia. A teologia da libertação em prospectiva. São Paulo: Paulinas/Paulus, 2013.

CELAM. Documento de Aparecida. Texto conclusivo da V Conferência Geral do Episcopado Latino-Americano e do Caribe. Brasília/São Paulo: Edições CNBB/Paulinas/Paulus, 2007.

DE MORI, G. La théologie de la libération à l'heure du pluralisme culturel et religieux. In Études (Mai 2014), n. 4205, p. 63-73.

GUTIERREZ G. Théologie de la libération. Bruxelles: Lumen Vitae, 1969.

MENDONZA-ALVAREZ, C. Deus absconditus. Désir, mémoire  et imagination eschatologique ' Essai de théologie fondamentale postmoderne. Paris : Cerf, 2011.

Faculty or entity
in charge
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
  Sigle Crédits Prérequis Acquis
Master [120] in Sciences of Religions SREL2M 4 -
Master [120] in Theology THEO2M 4 -

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