Main themes |
In-depth study of prose Massoretic biblical Hebrew.
Alternating with the course LGLOR2632, the course deals with:
1. Reading of biblical prose texts with special attention being given to:
- textual criticism (practical initiation);
- linguistic study linked to the other Semitic languages;
- the historical position of the text, and its place in the development of bible thinking.
2. Reading of ancient Hebrew inscriptions (non biblical).
The exercises (15 hours) are integrated into the lectures (30 hours) and provide the basis of the presentation of textual, linguistic and historic criticism.
Aims |
At the end of this course, the student will be capable of translating and giving philological commentaries (vocabulary, morphology, and syntax) of prose Hebrew texts.
If he has already followed the course LGLOR2632, he will be able to explain the principal differences in the usage of biblical Hebrew, between prose and poetry.
The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and
command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be
accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled
“Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
Content |
From year to year, the prose texts chosen for study will be taken from Genesis, Judges, Samuel but also from more recent books (for example Ruth and Esther).
The study of one or other ancient inscription (Stela of Mesha, inscription of Siloah, ostrakon of Lakish) will enable the student to acquire a first idea of Hebrew literature of the pre-exile epoch.
Bibliography |
Basic works :
- P. Joüon, Grammaire de l'hébreu biblique, Rome, P.I.B., 1965 ou P. Joüon, T. Muraoka, A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew. Rome, P.I.B., 2006.
- B.T. Arnorld, A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
- A. Niccacci, The Syntax of the Verb in Classical Hebrew Prose, Sheffield Academic Press, 1991.
Complementary texts :
- F. Brown, S.R. Driver, C.A. Briggs, Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1975.
- F. Zorell, Lexicon hebraicum et aramaicum Veteris Testamenti, Rome, P.I.B., 1968.
- L. Koehler, W. Baumgartner, Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament, Leiden, Brill, 1967-1996 = The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, 1994-2000.
- D.J.A. Clines (éd.), The Dictionnary of Classical Hebrew, Sheffield, University Press, 1994-