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Supply Chain Modelling and Management [ LLSMS2112 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Enseignant(s) Agrell Per Joakim ;
Lieu de l'activité Louvain-la-Neuve
Thèmes abordés The supply chain can be viewed as a system consisting of the entire flow of information, materials, and services from raw materials suppliers through factories and warehouses to the end-customer. The management of the supply chain offers ample usage of quantitative modeling techniques for problems on strategic, tactic and operational level. Since the supply chain itself is deeply integrated in the enterprise activities, the problems are naturally interdisciplinary. This course focuses on the modeling of managerial coordination and control problems in the chain. By using in-depth knowledge from the fields of operations management, operations research and economics, valuable insight can be given for complex, integrated real-life problems. Specific issues that will be discussed include: facility location, logistic network planning and design, routing, inventory management, supplier contracting, sourcing strategies, quality assurance, information technology, flexibility, globalization, and performance measurement. The course format is interactive, theoretical sessions, readings and demonstrations intertwined with cases, computer simulations and company visits. A part of the class involves a CEMS corporate partner and their supply chain concepts.
The major learning objectives of the course are to " Distinguish strategic, tactic and operational problems in SCM. " Understand the impact, feasibility and limitations of selected modeling techniques. " Understand formal microeconomic analysis of the supply chain relations. " Identify, formulate, solve and critically review some key coordination and control problems in the supply chain.

La contribution de cette UE au développement et à la maîtrise des compétences et acquis du (des) programme(s) est accessible à la fin de cette fiche, dans la partie « Programmes/formations proposant cette unité d’enseignement (UE) ».

Faculté ou entité
en charge
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
  Sigle Crédits Prérequis Acquis
Master [120] en ingénieur de gestion INGE2M 5 -
Master [120] en sciences de gestion GESM2M 5 -
Master [120] en sciences de gestion GEST2M 5 -

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