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clinical and therapeutic approach of the pediatric patient [ WMEDI2128 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  42.0 h   1 + 2q 

Teacher(s) Tuerlinckx David ; Brichard Bénédicte ; Godefroid Nathalie ; Sokal Etienne (coordinator) ; Stéphenne Xavier ; Bodart Eddy ; Chantrain Christophe ; Smets Françoise ; Hermans Dominique ; Beauloye Véronique ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe
Main themes The medical history of the child The physical examination throughout infancy, childhood and adolescence The body growth (weight, height and head), the developmental landmarks (motricity, language, sociability), the sexual maturation ( primary and secondary physical signs) The common diseases of infancy and childhood
Aims the student must de able - to recognize the symptoms and physical signs particular to the paediatric patient - to assess the growth and development of the infant and child, knowing the usual step of body growth, mental and behavioural development - to recognize the more common clinical pictures in paediatrics
Content The program is a theoretical introduction to the clinical demarche of both the healthy and diseased infant, child and adolescent. The lessons are given with the support of a power-point presentation and a syllabus. They are completed by some clinical presentations.
Other information Knowledge assessment is made by a written examination using multiple choice questions put into the context of the clinical practice with the use of short clinical stories
Cycle et année
> Master [240] in Medecine
Faculty or entity
in charge

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