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Introduction to pharmaceutical management [ WFARM2507 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  20.0 h + 10.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Biot Yannick ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe
Main themes We'll cross the life of a pharmacy through a balance sheet. We shall focus on all aspects of running a pharmacy. Its accounting management of course. Its business management also in some different aspects as: - The stock management (quantity, breadth, depth, method of storage,…) - The purchasing Management (conditions, rebates,…) - The sales management (marketing, law, advertising,…) - The people management (Salary policies, human resources,…) We'll also go through fiscal management: - The purchase of a pharmacy (How to buy and what to buy?) - The operating of a pharmacy (Which salary policies for the owner : Normal salary, insurance products, …?) - And the sale of a pharmacy (What will I get for it?) We will so highlight differently the first officinal stage done by the student and we'll give him the tools to be keen on the accounts of a pharmacy and its management, particularly during his future stage in pharmacy.
Aims The main aims of the courses is to be able to make a first analyse of the annual accounts of a pharmacy and to get an objective idea of it. It's also to know accounting, managing and marketing notions so that the student will be able during his professional life to know where to search information when he will have to manage a pharmacy.
Content In addition to the theoretical course (ten modules 2h) will take place on exercises, collective simulation and analysis of behavior. We will try to make "real" experiences so the student will easily understand the purpose discussed especially for personnel management and marketing theme.
Other information The course is based on a power point presentation available to students via the iCampus and on some balances "type" National Bank of Belgium.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Pharmacy
Faculty or entity
in charge

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