Seminar of pharmaceutical integration (pharmacokinetic, toxicology and clinical biology) [ WFARM2228 ]
7.0 crédits ECTS
0 h + 40.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Feron Olivier ;
Hantson Philippe ;
Buc Calderon Pedro (coordinator) ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Bruxelles Woluwe
Main themes |
Based on perquisite courses, the student will discuss problems linked to pharmacokinetic, toxicology or clinical biology in relation with drug delivery in a specific pathology.
Aims |
The aim of the seminars is to offer an integrated approach of the important concepts in pharmacokinetic, toxicology biopharmacy and clinical biology based on prerequisite courses and recent literature.
Content |
A personal work on a specific problem in pharmacokinetic, toxicology and clinical biology. For instance, influence en pathologies such as renal or hepatic failure and pharmacogenomic on drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic.
Other information |
Prerequisite :
Pharmaceutical chemistry, physiopathology, pharmaceutical technology, pharmacokinetic, toxicology, medicinal biochemistry.
Evaluation :
Each subject will be presented orally and discussed. A written report will be provided with bibliography. An evaluation on the theme will be organized.
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in Pharmacy
Faculty or entity in charge |
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