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Gestion des situations aigües [ WFARM2134 ]

2.0 crédits ECTS  15.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Bodart Eddy ; Vanpee Dominique (coordinator) ; De Canniere Louis ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe
Main themes In his daily professional and personal activities, the phamacist is susceptible to be confronted to an emergency situation, that he needs to be able to identify rapidly. The assistance to a person in danger, included in the penal code, is accentuated for every professional, which puts him in the obligation to acquire the specific competency required in these situations. In general, the learning program includes : global analysis of the situation, securing of the area, calling for professional assistance, the administration of first aid and the surveillance of victims while awaiting the arrival of professional assistance. The program equally focuses on the teaching of essential techniques (for example, moving an injured victim in danger to a safety zone, stopping hemorragia, dealing with suffocation in adults as well as in children, how to react when faced with a victim who presents a malaise or a cardiopulmonary arrest, a burn, an open wound or any other trauma…).
Aims At the end of this course, the practising phamacist will have acquired the basic skills to be able to adequatly react in emergency situations that are frequently encountered in the domain.
Content From clinical sitautions dealt with in an interactive manner during core classes, the students progressively learn how to react when faced with the most frequent emergency situations. Practice of first aid techniques (especially with mannequins and other simulation material) is included in the formation.
Other information Pre-requisites : the fundamentals of anatomy, physiology and pharmacology are necessary for an understanding of the concepts discussed and learnt during this course. Study material : the course work is available on the icampus website.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Pharmacy
Faculty or entity
in charge

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