Methods in Haematological Biology [ WBCMM2101 ]
3.0 crédits ECTS
20.0 h + 10.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Latinne Dominique (coordinator) ;
Saussoy Pascale ;
Chatelain Bernard ;
Defour Jean-Philippe ;
Mullier François ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Bruxelles Woluwe
Main themes |
Morphology (5 hours) :
- Automated counting of the blood cells
- Errors in an Haematological Morphology Lab
- Quality control (including the evaluation of an automated haematology counter)
- Microscopy : principles, special optical systems, electron microscopy
- General morphological methods : harvesting, fixation, differentiation,
- Special morphological methods : cytochemistry, cytoenzymology, immunocytochemistry, autoradiography
Immuno-haematology (5 hours) :
- Blood groups
- Irregular anti-erythrocyte allo-antibodies
- Anti-erythrocyte auto-antibodies
- Pretransfusion cross-matching
- Flow cytometry : principles and applications
Transfusion (4 hours) :
- Blood donation
- Organization in a blood transfusion centre
- Red cell transfusion
- Labile and stable blood components
- Transfusion complications
Haemostasis (6 hours) :
- Routine tests in coagulation
- Specific quantitative analysis of factor VIII, von Willebrand, IX, XI, XII, and prenatal diagnosis of haemophilia and von Willebrand disease
- Specific quantitative analysis of factor I, II, V, VII, X
- Dysfibrinogenemia evaluation
- Thrombophilic evaluation
- Activation markers in haemostasis
- Screening and quantitative analysis of natural and pathological coagulation inhibitors
- Control of the efficacy of anticoagulant and anti-aggregation treatment
- Evaluation of the fibrinolysis and control of thrombolytic treatment
Aims |
Explanation of the methods used in morphology, immuno-haematology, blood transfusion and haemostasis. Teaching interpretation of the results in relationship with the clinical situations. Quality control and general organization in a Haematology Lab.
Content |
Lecture and practice.
Practical teaching of the medical doctors and pharmacists in training, about the medical supervision of the emergency tests (haemostasis, blood transfusion and morphology)
Other information |
Evaluation :
-written and oral examination (theory)
-practical evaluation after a 6 months training period
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Advanced Master in Clinical Biology
Faculty or entity in charge |
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