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Finance [ MGEHC1312 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h + 10.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Platten Isabelle ; De Winne Rudy ;
Language French
of the course

- GEHD1321 ' Accounting and financial analysis
- QAHD1325 ' Management Mathematics

Main themes

- The law of one price
- The time value of money
- Interest rates
- Debt and loans
- Financial statement analysis
- Investment decision rules
- Fundamentals of capital budgeting
- Bond valuation
- Stock valuation
- Risk-return relationship
- Diversification
- Portfolio theory & CAPM
- The cost of capital
- Valuation and financial modeling for investment projects


- Understand and master the basics of financial
- Apply valuation technics to standard financial operations
- Understand the fundamentals of capital budgeting
- Implement the various investment rules and selection
criteria to projects

Evaluation methods

- written examination
- continuous assessment (case studies)

Teaching methods

- Lectures
- Case studies
- Course-related exercises


- Introduction to Finance and to the financial system
- Financial mathematics
- Valuation of financial assets
- Capital budgeting and investment decision rules
- Risk-return relationship
- The cost of capital and investment project valuation

  • Berk & DeMarzo, Finance d'entreprise (adaptation française), 2e édition (Pearson, 2011)
  • Vernimmen, Quiry & Le Fur, Finance d'entreprise, 12e édition (Dalloz, 2013)
Cycle et année
> Preparatory year for Master in Management (shift Schedule 2)
> Master [60] in Management (shift schedule)
> Preparatory year for Master in Management (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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