Main themes |
- Fundamentals of commercial law: commercial acts,
access to commercial activities, goodwill, commercial
contracts, commercial guarantees, commercial litigation,
bankruptcy and debt settlement
- Fundamentals of corporate law: the partnership
agreement, the moral person, the classification of
corporations, the incorporation of companies, corporate
bodies and the division of powers between them, conflicts
between partners, SA and SPRL
- Fundamentals of taxation: taxation: definition, related
concepts, terminological distinctions; tax law, substantive
law: legal consequences, the relationship between tax law
and other branches of the law; taxation techniques:
establishment of the tax, payment and tax collection and
prescription; categories of taxes, tax evasion, tax
avoidance and the anti-abuse law
Aims |
At the end of this course, students will be able to :
- describe the general principles of corporate law,
commercial practices and competition law.
- describe the general principles of Belgian taxation law,
particularly with respect to personnal income taxes.