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Comparative industrial relations systems [ LTRAV2740 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  45.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Dorssemont Filip ; Zune Marc (coordinator) ; Dufresne Anne (compensates Zune Marc) ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes

Some explanatory theories of industrial relations systems. - Interrelations between, on the one hand, the law of the land and, on the other, law as established under collec-tive agreements; the intervention of the state, and autonomy of the social partners. - The structures, ideologies and strategies of employers' association and trade unions; political options and sys-tems for recognising representativeness. - The diversity and degrees of institutionalisation and representation.


To introduce students to explanatory theoretical frameworks of industrial relations systems. - To help them understand the specific linkage of various 'typical' systems that have grown up in European countries. - To help them identify, and make a comparative analysis of, the main specific features of, and differences be-tween, these typical systems and explanatory variables.

Teaching methods

The first part of the course is organized in the form of presentations and testimonies from practitioners. The second part of the course work is based on readings, to prepare and present group of students in the form of summaries, reviews and debate. It requires active participation of students.

Other information

This course forms part of a study programme that takes place in the evenings and on Saturday mornings

Cycle et année
> Master [60] in Labour Sciences (shift schedule)
> Master [120] in Labour sciences (shift schedule)
> Master [120] in Human Resources Management
> Master [120] in Multilingual Communication
Faculty or entity
in charge

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