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Pluridisciplinary approches of work and GRH [ LTRAV2020B ]

4.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Language French
of the course
Main themes The course will be run jointly by three tenured teachers. Each will have responsibility for analysing the issue using the approach and methods of his/her own subject (i.e. sociology, human resource manage-ment, economics, law, and industrial relations). These members of staff will jointly highlight the areas of interdependence of the various analyses and, given the limitations of the teaching methodology, will identify the explanatory factors. - Students will be urged to carry out experimental fieldwork (actors, organisations, and concrete work situations). - Students will have to complete work in a sub-group. The phases of collective work also involve indi-vidual work between sessions.
Aims An applied analysis of an issue of work using the approaches and methods of sev-eral disciplines (sociology, economics, human resource management, law, and indus-trial relations). Perception of the complexity of realities, and of areas of interdependence, coherence and incoherence. A search for explanatory factors of interdependence.
Content Method How to explain a problem in its complexity? First, take the problem into context. As a work-related problems, the company is a rich pool of experiences, issues, innovations, including the management of human resources. We therefore suggest to students to conduct a case study in a business of their choice (private or public sector, hotel, hospital). Second, understand the reality in all its diversity implies an approach that combines curiosity and method. Curiosity drew several angles, different positions of observation, different postures too. The method is the use of knowledge and know - how established. Disciplinary approaches preferred in this seminar are law, sociology and economics. In this multidisciplinary seminar, we will jointly undertake a research process, whose originality is to articulate the contributions of several disciplines. Themes - New business - Innovation in the organization - Older workers in the enterprise
Other information Assistants will be at the disposal of students during the inte-grated sessions. Dates will be posted on the IST notice-board. As-sessment will largely focus on the piece of written work that students will present in sub-groups. This course forms part of a study programme that takes place in the evenings and on Saturday mornings. The Professors will choose the work theme together. The Professors will work as a team.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Labour sciences (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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