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Statistics seminar [ LSTAT3310 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1 + 2q 

Teacher(s) El Ghouch Anouar ; Johannes Jan ; Segers Johan ; Van Keilegom Ingrid ; Legrand Catherine ; Hafner Christian ; von Sachs Rainer ;
Language English
of the course
Main themes In this weekly seminar of the Institute of Statistics mostly international researchers present the results of their work in both theoretical and methodological statistics. Following a basic introduction into the treated field, recent research is presented by the speaker. The seminar concludes with an open discussion during which questions of the public, including the students, are encouraged.
Aims Following the series of statistical seminars shall make you familiar with the notion of research in statistics and help you to develop the necessary abilities for scientific communication.
Content Content In this weekly seminar of the Institute of Statistics mostly international researchers present the results of their work in both theoretical and methodological statistics. Following a basic introduction into the treated field, recent research is presented by the speaker. The seminar concludes with an open discussion during which questions of the public, including the students, are encouraged. Teaching methods Interactions between the speakers and the students are encouraged, by motivating the students to ask questions to and to have discussions with the speakers during or after the seminars.
Other information Prerequisites A good knowledge of probability and statistics is necessary. Evaluation The evaluation consists of two parts: - preparation of discussions around two seminars (asking question(s) to the speaker, and write a report on the discussion following this) - an oral exam, during which the student explains in his own words the content of two preselected seminars, and gives some additional explanations, examples, background, etc Teaching materials For each of the seminars the article that will be presented is available to the student in advance. Professors -Christian Hafner, phone : 010/47 43 06, e-mail : hafner@stat.ucl.ac.be - Ingrid Van Keilegom, phone : 010/47 43 30, e-mail : vankeilegom@stat.ucl.ac.be - Rainer von Sachs, phone : 010/47 88 06, e-mail : rvs@stat.ucl.ac.be
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Statistics: General
Faculty or entity
in charge

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