Main themes |
In order to achieve this aim, the course will - first compare the ways different religious traditions (Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Islamic) relate to law - compare two selected institutions (e.g. the condition of justice, the distinction between cleric and non-cleric, apostasy, marriage, the relation to civil law, the relation to norms belonging to other religious traditions).
Bibliography |
Collectif, Les principes des droits des religions, Revue de droit canonique, Strasbourg, tome 57/2, , 2009, 240 pp.
FERRARI S. (dir.) Introduzione al diritto comparato delle religioni. Ebraismo, islam e induismo, Bologna, Il Mulino, Collana "Itinerari", 2008, pp. 232
FERRARI, S., Lo spirito dei diritti religiosi. Ebraismo, cristianesimo e islamo a confronto, Bologne, Mulino, 2002, 300 pp.
HUXLEY, A. Religion, Law And Tradition (Comparative Studies In Religious Law), Routledge/Curzon, 2002, 240 pp.
NEUSNER, J., SONN, T., Comparing religions through Law, Judaism and Islam, Londres, Routledge, 1999, 264 pp.
The italian Revue Daimon is a thematic annuary of comparative religious legislation. Several volumes of the Revue de droit canonique are dedicated to comparative approaches (La liberté de conscience dans le champ de la religion, t. 52/1 ; Le secret dans les religions, t. 52/2 ; etc.)