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Observation and teaching practice in French as a foreign language [ LROM9013 ]

10.0 crédits ECTS  40.0 h  

Language French
of the course
Online resources

Useful documents are available on the iCampus site for the course.


To have completed course (LROM 2940) Didactics of French as a foreign language and intercultural studies.

Main themes

This 40-hour placement is divided into two parts:
a. Placements observing and analysing teaching practice (10 hrs): encouraging the student to look ahead to their own management of classes by observing their future students and placement supervisor's classes.
b. Teaching placement (30 hrs): allowing the future teacher to put the various themes covered in the course into practice under the guidance of UCL-authorized placement supervisors.
These placements are separated into two parts which correspond to the two different placement locations and supervisors:
a. Partner placement (10 hrs): placement undertaken in groups of two, alternating which partner takes the class (either during the course of each hour or from one hour to the next). Each partner will give at least 4 hours of classes alone. Particular emphasis is placed on the communicational and rational aspects of teaching.
b. Individual teaching placement (20 hrs): this placement can either be the subject of a 'didactic sequence' presented to one class or shared between various classes.
The 40 hours of placement time will be followed by a report lesson.


When he has completed the placements the student will have demonstrated his ability to:
-devise, plan and give lessons in French as a foreign or second language;
-reflect upon and modify his teaching practices
-adapt to different professional situations within the various educational environments by interacting with the placement supervisors.

Evaluation methods

Each placement is subject to gradual, formative assessment in the form of notes and daily advice received from the placement supervisor;  once the placement is complete it will be subject to a certification assessment. The placement supervisor will provide the student with his evaluation during an assessment interview.
All the placements together will ultimately be the subject of a final certification assessment which will take the form of a report lesson presented to a panel comprised of teachers from the masters in romance languages and literature.
Possible exemptions: a student who has already been teaching the subject for more than one year can be exempted from 20 hours of the practical placement.

Teaching methods

Types of teaching: individual students' placements will be shared so far as is possible between bridging classes and other types of teaching. Alternation of placements and teaching: the placements are strictly consistent with the lessons and are organised alternately with those lessons.


For each placement to be performed, at the beginning of the year the student will provide his placement director with a list of his preferences from amongst the proposed institutions and placement supervisors. He will however need to request placements in two different types of teaching. Once placements have been assigned to the student, he will agree the methods for the observation and practical lesson placements with his placement supervisor. He will also agree the themes and timetable for his placements with his placement supervisors. Before beginning a placement, he will submit his lesson plan project to the placement supervisor who will discuss any possible changes to it with him.


The bibliography is available on the iCampus site for course LROM2940.

Other information


Cycle et année
> Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : French as a Second Language
> Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General
Faculty or entity
in charge

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