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Theory and analysis of Spanish-American literary texts [ LROM2844 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

This biannual course is taught on years 2015-2016, 2017-2018, ....

Teacher(s) Fabry Geneviève ;
Language Spanish
of the course

Notions of hermeneutical tools for literary analysis. B2 level in Spanish.

Main themes

The course will examine first how can be defined the topic we can find in a determined corpus : the work of mourning.
After, we will analyze hispano-american literary works (poetry : Gelman ; novel : Fuentes) and see how they elaborate the selected topic.


The aim of this course is to help the student acquire a scholarly method to read and analyse literary texts written by one or a few hispano-american author(s) that share a common theme, to analyse their poetics and its context. The theoretical reflexion will be stressed. At the end of the course, the students will be able to read and write essays in the studied field by relying on the literary knowledge they have acquired.

Evaluation methods

Presentation of oral part-assignments in class and a final written assignment.

Teaching methods

Students are expected to develop didactical tools from a corpus of theoretical readings commented during the course.


The course works like a seminar and focuses on a fairly rich collection of readings on both theoretical considerations to understand and make connections with, as well as proper literary texts. The analysis will consist of switching between classical textual and contextual reading and an interpretation in the light of the theoretical sources.


Abraham, Nicolas y Maria Torok. L'écorce et le noyau. Paris : Flammarion, 1996.
Allouch, Jean. Érotique du deuil au temps de la mort sèche. Paris : E.PE.L., 1997 (2ª ed.). Trad. en espagnol (Argentine) de Silvio Mattoni, avec un texte de Silvio Mattoni Erotica del duelo en el tiempo de la muerta seca, Edelp, Cap. fed., 1996, 448 p.
Amar Sánchez, Ana María. Instrucciones para la derrota. Narrativas éticas y políticas de perdedores. Barcelona: Anthropos, 2010.
Avelar, Idelber. Alegorías de la derrota : la ficción postdictatorial y el trabajo del duelo. Santiago de Chile : Editorial Cuarto Propio, 2000.
Fabry, Geneviève, Las formas del vacío. La escritura del duelo en la poesía de Juan Gelman, Amsterdam-Nueva Yor, Rodopi, 2008.
Olivier, Florence, Carlos Fuentes o la imaginación del otro, México : Universidad Veracruzana, 2007.
Richard, Nelly y Alberto Moreiras (eds). Pensar en/la postdictadura. Santiago de Chile: Cuarto propio, 2001.
Van Delden, Maarten. Carlos Fuentes, Mexico, and Modernity. Vanderbilt University Press, 1998.

Other information

Support  : Course notes and folder of reading material

Cycle et année
> Master [60] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General
> Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General
> Certificat universitaire en littérature
> Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General
Faculty or entity
in charge

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