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Seminar :a tool for integrated water management [ LREAU2302 ]

4.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h + 15.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) SOMEBODY ; Vanclooster Marnik (coordinator) ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The main activity of the course is the presentation of a set of modelling tools which can be used for water management, through a set of case studies. The students will be initiated to different approaches for modelling the hydrological cycle, considering the technical and socio-economic constraints in hydrosystems. The following themes will be developed : water management decision support systems, water management planning tools, risk analysis tools (hydrological risks, flooding, climate change, water pollution), integrated hydrological modelliong : concepts, methodologies, design of monitoring networks, design of alerting systems, water management (hydraulic management, protection of pumping wells, land management).
Aims At the end of this course in which different concepts and case studies of integrated water management will be illustrated, the students will have an overview on how integrated modelling of the hydrological cycle can be used to support integrated water management.
Content For meeting the course objectives, technical seminars will be given by professional experts and by the students on the basis of literature case studies : 2 ECTS : Seminars given by experts from the public and private sector, considering specific case studies ; 2 ECTS : Seminars given by the students on the basis of a literature study.
Other information Evaluation Evaluation report giving a synthesis of the seminars given by the professional experts and by the students.
Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in Water Resources
Faculty or entity
in charge

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