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In-depth questions of neuroscience [ LPSYM2541 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Missal Marcus ; Legrain Valéry ; Edwards Martin ; De Volder Anne ; Maurage Pierre (coordinator) ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The content of the course is modified from year to ear according to broached themes and the progress of research. The content is chosen around research problems met by teachers and researchers belonging to the teams which practice approaches from cognitive neuroscience.
Aims Familiarize the student with the research approaches in cognitive neurosciences by presenting as thoroughly as possible a set of recent publications organized around one or two research themes for which a local expertise exists.
Content Familiarize the student with the research approaches in cognitive neurosciences by presenting as thoroughly as possible a set of recent publications organized around one or two research themes for which a local expertise exists. The content of the course is modified from year to ear according to broached themes and the progress of research. The content is chosen around research problems met by teachers and researchers belonging to the teams which practice approaches from cognitive neuroscience.
Other information Pre-required: PSP1131, PSP 1132, PSP 1133, PSP 1200, PSY 1335, PSYM 2512 and PSYM 2531 courses or courses from other programs judged as equivalent by the teachers.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Psychology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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