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Current psychic pathologies and societal changes [ LPSYM2538 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Lekeuche Philippe ; Passone Sesto ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes This course questions a fundamental paradox: in front of an increasing social demand which requires more autonomy, independence and individual responsibility, the contemporary private hospital shows an increasing development of psychopathology configurations in relation with the problem of dependence and narcissism (relationship to oneself). All the psychopathology configurations seen concern failing identical-narcissistic dimensions in the dynamics autonomy/dependence, the clinical expressions of which pass by consulted addictives (drug addiction, alcoholism, game dependence, sexual dependences or internet), certain food disorders (bulimia / anorexia), of humor (essential depression, thymo-psychopathies), narcissistic disorders of personality and organizations (borderline). It analyzes factors and specific processes in these diverse pathologies and questions, as a hypothesis, the bound effects to the changes which, in the current relationship between individual and social, can contribute to the arisen of these identical-narcissistic disorders.
Aims This course aims at the acquisition of theoretical-clinical skills relative to the semiological location and to the specific understanding of the functioning and the structures of a set of psychic suffering. Indeed, this incidence is increasing in the contemporary private hospital. It also examines the diverse clinical strategies of intervention on their subject.
Content The course shows how these current pathologies concern the same essential zone of the anthropogenèse (primary identical construction) and re-mobilize archaic phases of the development in the individuals. On one hand, the regressive solutions of dependence are seen in a theoretical-clinical perspective, which questions their emergence in the articulation of certain psychic structures of the personality and certain current changes in the social organization marked by multiple requirements of autonomy increased on behalf of the individual (in the emotional, relational plan and performances). On the other hand, the course proceeds to a comprehensive approach of the organizations limits of the personality and other disorders of narcissism. These pathologies emerge from a suffering bound with the difficulties of the emergence and the stabilization of Oneself in its dialectical relationship to others. The context of contemporary individualism, when it enters echo with the singular psychic organization of certain subjects, emphasizes feelings of impasse in the relationship to oneself as well as the emergence of "neo-needs". Finally, it examines the significant articulation of narcissism addictions and disorders: what is their common dramatic stake, what direction do they dress for the suffering subjects? It will be a question of showing how the clinician psychologist can, by means of operating theoretical-clinical marks, better track down the typical suffering to these subjects by accompanying them in an optimal way. The course bases itself on the contributions of researches and major theorizations (O.F. Kernberg, a hour. Kohut, D. Widlöcher, F. Geberovich, Has. Green, p. Jeammet, B. Brusset, among others) and will be supported by clinical illustrations of the theoretical and therapeutic approaches of these pathologies.
Other information This course is complementarily and in the continuation of the courses: " psychiatry and psychopharmacology" ( PSY1331), " Pathological Psychology " ( PSY1332), " Clinical Psychology: psychoanalysis " (PSYM2515) and, more widely, the other teachings recovering from the module " Well-being and health ".
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Psychology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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