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Clinical psychology: systemic [ LPSYM2516 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Gabriel Barbara ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes

The main goal of this course is to present aspects and issues of contemporary couple and family psychology/therapy and clinical applications related to psychological and psychosocial disorders in children and adults. Basic knowledge about main concepts of systemic theories is required and will not be presented again. This course will focus mainly on contemporary systemic and cognitive-behavioral family and couple approaches and only marginally on psychoanalytic concept (see for this LPSYM2515, LSEXM2145).


a) acquiring basic knowledge about different aspects of family/couple psychology in the context of clinical psychology and mental disorders, b) making yourself familiar with different aspects of diagnostic methods and instruments in family/couple psychology, c) learning about contemporary systemic and cognitive-behavioral approaches, strategies et technics of family/couple therapies, d) thinking about ethical, therapeutic and methodological problems in the family/couple field, e) transferring theoretical knowledge to practical case examples.

Evaluation methods

The test takes place in the test session at the end of the class including applications, open and multiple choice questions.

Teaching methods

Class room teaching and power point presentations, lectures at home, illustrations with case examples and videos.


a) definitions of families/couples and family/couple psychology, b) associations between families/couples, clinical psychology and mental disorders in children and adults, c) categories of psychosocial factors (ICD-10 and DSM V) d) brief history of systemic therapies and basic approaches, e) introduction in diagnostics of families/couples (indications, clinical uses, methodological aspects, instruments etc.), e) therapeutic relationships in couple and family therapies, f) different contemporary approaches in systemic and cognitive-behavioral couples and family therapies (e.g. TCC couple therapy, multi-systemic family therapy, emotionally focused couples therapy, strategic family therapy) f) family and couple interventions for preventing and treating clinical and relational disorders in children and adults.

Other information

French, but this is not the native language of the teacher

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Psychology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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