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Clinical psychology [ LPSYM2513 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Philippot Pierre ; Billieux Joël ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes - Presentation of various mental troubles of the child and the adult. Discussion of the diagnostic description, psychologic methods with the hypothesis of ethology and maintenance of troubles, treatment models and prognostic according to the available knowledge in the field of clinical empiric psychology; - Learning of the first steps of the clinical empiric intervention, including the need analysis, the holism, hypothesis formulation and function analysis; - Elaboration and deepening of clinical competences of analysis and intervention, including goals formulation, choice of methods and processes, execution and evaluation of the clinical intervention.
Aims At the end of this course, the student will have to: - know the descriptive grid of various mental troubles with children and adults; - have acquired clinical competences of analysis and conception of psychological intervention. He/she will know diagnostic description, psycho-diagnostic methods, ethological and trouble maintenance hypothesis, treatment models and the prognostic of a series of psychopathological troubles with children and adults; - be able to build the holism and the analysis of the functions and significations of a clinical case; - have acquired competences in clinical empirical intervention for the troubles seen during the course, from the first interviews to the execution of the therapeutic plan and its evaluation.
Content For various troubles in the field of child and adult mental and physical health (depression, encopresis, TSPT, personality troubles …), we examine the diagnostic description, psycho-diagnostic methods, psychological modeling with the ethology and maintenance hypothesis, treatment models and the prognosis according to the available knowledge in the field of clinical empiric psychology; - In the clinical analysis process, the focus is set on the need analysis (troubles and resources inventory, psycho-diagnostic evaluation, base level measure) and the formulation of work hypothesis (holism, signification and function analysis); - In the framework of intervention process, the student learns the goals formulation, the choice of methods and techniques, the establishing of a therapeutic contract, the execution and the evaluation of his/her interventions; - Ability to work in the respect of the professional deontology in multidisciplinary context.
Other information - Ex-cathedra lectures: presentation of descriptive grids of various troubles with clinical illustrations (case study) and presentation of the clinical analysis grid (2 ECTS); - Bibliographical research related to the aforementioned troubles; - Demonstration of analysis and intervention techniques by the teacher (case study, videos'); - Clinical analysis exercises in groups of 25 students, supported by PST (1 ECTS).
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Psychology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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