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Stage de recherche [ LPSYM2021 ]

28.0 crédits ECTS  650.0 h   2q 

Language French
of the course
Main themes The internship covers 650 hours in a research department in psychology (in the faculty or in another institution of research approved by the faculty). It must make it possible for the trainee to integrate the knowledge acquired at university with research practices (to which he/she will contribute actively), which will be analyzed with a critical hindsight characteristic of the academic approach.
Aims To get familiar with research in psychology, as a professional practice, in relation with the academic approach.
Content To get familiar with research in psychology, as a professional practice, in relation with the academic approach. The internship covers 650 hours in a research department in psychology (in the faculty or in another institution of research approved by the faculty). It must make it possible for the trainee to integrate the knowledge acquired at university with research practices (to which he/she will contribute actively), which will be analyzed with a critical hindsight characteristic of the academic approach.
Other information The internship will take place in the second half of the first master. Requirements: Courses in the first half of the school year. Evaluation: By the academic tutor, on the basis of the meetings with the student, of the internship report, and the evaluations realized by the internship tutor in the middle and at the end of the internship. Support References Training: Monthly meetings with the academic tutor (in faculty) + weekly meetings with the internship tutor (in the institution) Other: The student will first read the "rules for the internship" brochure.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Psychology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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