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Géophysique interne (partim) [ LPHY2160A ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Language French
of the course

Basic knowledge in Physics and Mathematics at the level of BAC in science or applied science.

Main themes

The topics include the structure and physics of the Earth and of the other terrestrial planets, their rotations, their evolution, their own overall characteristics, global geodynamics of the Earth and the planets and terrestrial bodies in the solar system.



To be able to present the main mechanisms that govern the internal structure of the solid Earth and the geophysical techniques used to observe them at global scale. To be able to apply these concepts to the knowledge of the terrestrial planets in the solar system.

Evaluation methods

Teaching methods

Lectures on the board with the help of transparencies or video-projection


Chapter 1: Structure of the Earth; Chapter 2: Free Oscillations of the Earth; Chapter 3: Seismology, Plate tectonics and earthquakes; Chapter 4: Geomagnetism; Chapter 5: Short introduction to geodesy and GNSS (GPS); Chapter 6: earth tides; Chapter 7: gravity, gravitational potential; Chapter 8: heat flow; Chapter 9: Geophysics terrestrial planets and terrestrial bodies in the solar system; Chapter 10: Habitability including its "geophysical" topics of planets and terrestrial bodies in the solar system.


Lecture notes available

Other information

Targeted students: Students in Master of Physics, Mathematics and Geographical Science and Engineers

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Geography : Climatology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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