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Stage [ LPHY1300 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  0 h + 30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Cortina Gil Eduardo ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes

Choice of internship :  

Several possibilities are available :

  1. In the research institutes represented in the School of Physics (IRMP, ELI, IMCN and iMMC),
  2.  In partner institutes that are federated or where members of School work (e.g., ORB, IAS), in the private sector and in hospitals where, in the latter cases, a faculty (internship director) guarantees either a connection or a good knowledge of the institution itself.



Stage duration :


The « observation » phase of internship lasts at least 3 days during the Easter Holidays. The corresponding choice of institution has to be made at least 5 weeks before the start of the internship. The applicant will receive the approval by the Board of the School  in the following two weeks after the communication.

During the internship, the student meets the researchers, shares information on the their research topics as well as their daily activities.

After this first phase, the student compiles a report of about 5 pages where she/he elaborates on the experience and the main learning points. The report is supervised by the director of the internship, who also introduces a short summary (~10 lines) on the internship and  the student's report itself to the intership coordinators.

Evaluation methods

The student gives an oral presentation of about 20 mins on a research subject that has attracted her/his attention during the internship. The final mark will be based on the written report by the student, the  short summary of the director of internship and on the oral presentation as well as on the student's answers to the questions submitted during the presentation.



Cycle et année
> Bachelor in Physics
Faculty or entity
in charge

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