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Analyse de textes scientifiques et travaux préparatoires au mémoire [ LOPES2200A ]

7.0 crédits ECTS  45.0 h  

Language French
of the course
Main themes This course spans over three years. During the preparatory year, scientific texts (papers or chapters of books) including empirical data are proposed to the students. The coordinators select them according to the interest of their contribution for the scientific analysis of the social, economic and/or political processes. At the end of the preparatory year, the students will submit a report with an analysis, a synthesis and a criticism of these publications. During the first and second master years, this course concentrates on the structuring of the end of studies dissertation, emphasizing the delimitation of the research field, how to conduct exploratory discussions with resource persons, reading of scientific texts relating to their dissertation project, programming the stages of its drafting. A dissertation project is also filed in at the end of the first master year.
Aims For this course, the students will be able, at the end of the preparatory year to the master years, to develop a synthesis of reference scientific publications in the social, economic and/or political areas, to detect the intentions and the elements structuring the scientific reasoning and to work out an argued criticism. At the end of the first and second master years, the students will be able to delimit a research field, to specify the priority disciplinary angle, to define a specific object of research, to seek and choose a relevant theoretical framework, to outline their working hypotheses and to direct their methodological choices. This course spans over three years. During the preparatory year, scientific texts (papers or chapters of books) including empirical data are proposed to the students. The coordinators select them according to the interest of their contribution for the scientific analysis of the social, economic and/or political processes. At the end of the preparatory year, the students will submit a report with an analysis, a synthesis and a criticism of these publications. During the first and second master years, this course concentrates on the structuring of the end of studies dissertation, emphasizing the delimitation of the research field, how to conduct exploratory discussions with resource persons, reading of scientific texts relating to their dissertation project, programming the stages of its drafting. A dissertation project is also filed in at
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Economic and Social Policy (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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