This course is based on the personal confrontation to fundamental experimental techniques related to thermal machines and equipments. It includes three successive activities :
1. General introduction: Functional study of the main parts of a test bench and implemented metrology principles: brakes, flow metering, thermometry, fast pressure acquisition, gaseous effluents analysis.
2. Identification of available equipments on the different test benches and acquisition of independence in their use.
3. Tests carried-out in small independent teams and treating of - acquisition and analysis of pressure diagrams :
- thermodynamic optimisation: spark advance mechanism and breathing - determination methods of mechanical dissipations - external characteristics acquisition
- partial loadings and simulation of an engine use on a vehicle - total energetic balance and application to cogeneration
- air-fuel ratio and analysis of combustion effluents
- characteristics of the supercharging.
The realisation of personal trials is aided by instructions that must be pre-read. The technical staff checks that security rules are respected and can help and advise students.