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Project in Polymer Science [ LMAPR2016 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  0 h + 45.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Fustin Charles-André ; Jonas Alain ;
Language French
of the course
Online resources

> https://moodleucl.uclouvain.be/course/view.php?id=3443

Main themes

The project is based on a real problem inspired from industry, from research, or from our socio-culturo-economical environment, in the field of polymers. The specific theme is defined every year. For instance, the students might receive a virtual budget allowing them to analyze a complex object ("reverse engineering"). The project could also consist in selecting a polymer material for a specific application. It might be related to the issue of recycling (including, e.g., chemical, mechanical, technical, economical and ecological aspects). It might center on the analysis of an emerging issue of interest to the general public. It might also explore an emerging application of polymer materials. In all cases, the project will help students to discover and use the main characterization techniques of polymer science and technology. It will contribute to have them learn how to analyze a complex issue, and to produce deliverables respecting precise specifications while respecting a quality-oriented methodology. Preferably, the deliverables should include the use of collaborative communication tools such as wikis, e-portfolios, etc.


Contribution of the course to the program objectives

This course contributes to the development of the following learning outcomes : 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.4, with variable emphasis on some of the learning outcomes depending on the specific project. 

Specific learning outcomes of the course

This course aims to have students facing practical problems related to the synthesis, the processing, the use and the life-cycle of polymer materials. The specific learning outcomes of the project vary yearly. The need to acquire new notions and concepts by a personal work, and to use and apply techniques not described in previous courses, is intrinsic to the project. At the end of this project, the students will have acquired a practical ability to handle problems related to research, quality control, selection, or customer management in the field of R&D or technical business, as would befit a young engineer or scientist hired by a polymer company.

Evaluation methods

The course is not based on lectures, but on the personal work of students in groups supervised by a teacher. At the end of the project, the students will present their results. A significant fraction of the final note will be attributed for this presentation; the rest will be based on the deliverables of the project.

Teaching methods

Project-based learning.


The content of the project varies yearly.


The required documentation is updated yearly on the website of the course, depending on the topic of the project. The documents are available freely for download.

Other information

It is highly recommended to have attended an introductory course on polymer physics and chemistry.

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Chemistry and Bio-industries
> Master [120] in Chemistry
> Master [120] in Chemical and Materials Engineering
Faculty or entity
in charge

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