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Advanced Marketing (in French) [ LLSMF2002 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Swaen Valérie ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Students will apply the concepts of marketing audit, segmentation and positioning. They will translate these strategic choices in the development of the marketing mix. Cases studies as well as a computer game will be proposed to the students.
Aims The objective of this course is to get a deep understanding of the strategic and operational marketing concepts covered in the first basic marketing course. Students will have to apply these different concepts in the development of business cases in varied market sectors. They will be able at the end of the course to develop on their own a full strategic and operational marketing plan of a brand.
Content " Summary and content " see " scope " above and " methods " see " methods " below Content See "scope" above Methods In-class activities X Lectures X Exercices/PT X Problem based learning X role playing/simulation At home activities X Readings to prepare the lecture X Exercices to prepare the lecture X Paper work X Students presentation
Other information Prerequisites Basic Marketing Evaluation : Examination and team presentation Support : Textbook recommended and slides & cases provided through iCampus References : Provided during the class Pedagogic team : Professor's weekly open door Other : - Corporate features X conference X case study X corporate guest Techniques and tools for teaching and learning X IT tools
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Management
> Master [120] in Management
Faculty or entity
in charge

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