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Les procédés non verbaux de la communication [ LLOGM2124 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  15.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Feyereisen Pierre ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes 1) Phylogenesis of language : comparative analysis of sensory motor, social and cognitive skills, especially in primates 2) Analysis of communication from an ethological perspective : functional aspects, ontogenesis (learning mechanisms, sensitive periods etc.) 3) Experimental analysis of non-verbal communication procedures in normal subjects and in pathology
Aims - To place language with other communication procedures - To discuss methodological problems arising from the study of non-verbal communication
Content 1.Communication models in the widest sense (including the use of non-verbal signals) : functional approaches (cause and effect relationships, inferences), pragmatic approaches (notion of intentionality) and ethological approaches (notion of biological adaptation). 2. Methodological problems in the description of non-verbal communication : identification of signals, sampling techniques, analysis of temporal sequences (or series). 3. Non-verbal expression of emotions: theoretical models, experimental approaches (problem of coherence, effects of audience), neuropsychological approaches and developmental approaches (typical and atypical development). 4. Referential communication : models of the relationships between gestures and words, experimental approaches, neuropsychological approaches (aphasias) and developmental approaches (typical and atypical development). The course will avoid overlaps with other parts of the programme, particularly those on typical prelinguistic development, sign language and alternative or augmented communication techniques. Method : lectures introducing articles from the academic literature.
Other information Support : documents on iCampus
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Speech and Language Therapy
Faculty or entity
in charge

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