Linear Control [ LINMA1510 ]
5.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Dochain Denis ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Online resources |
Prerequisites |
Applied mathematics : Signals and systems [LFSAB1106]
Main themes |
Derivation of mathematical models of linear dynamical systems (state equations and transfer functions). Design of regulators and closed-loop control systems in order to satisfy specifications of stability, robustness, steady-state accuracy and transient performance. PI and PID regulation. Computer aided design.
Aims |
With respect to the referentiel AA, this courses contributes to the development, the acquisition and the evaluation of the following learning outcomes :
AA1.1, AA1.2, AA1.3
AA5.3, AA5.4, AA5.5
At the end of the course, the student will be able :
to design control systems on the basis of linear models;
to design control systems in closed loop aimed at meeting stability, robustness, steady-sate accuracy and transient behaviour performance requirements ;
to use computer-aided control design methods ;
to implement closed-loop control systems in laboratory conditions, in conditions close to those encountered in industrial practice;
to use industrial PID regulators;
to use discrete time controllers implemented on PLC's;
to perform experiments in an autonimous way, from the planning of the work until the practical implementation and the performance evaluation.
Evaluation methods |
Laboratory evaluation outside of the exam period and exercise-based written exam.
Teaching methods |
Problem-based learning, laboratory experiments.
Content |
Mathematical models
General principles of closed-loop control
Steady-state accuracy
Disturbance attenuation
Transient performance
Regulation structures
Case studies: electrical machines, automotive systems, aeronautics, thermic and nuclear power plants, heat exchangers, industrial grinding and mixing processes, etc.
Bibliography |
Transparents, laboratory notes (available on icampus).
Reference monograph : K. Astrom & R. Murray, Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in Biomedical Engineering
> Master [120] in Mechanical Engineering
> Master [120] in Mathematical Engineering
> Bachelor in Engineering
> Bachelor in Mathematics
> Master [120] in Electrical Engineering
Faculty or entity in charge |
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