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Atelier 6 : Orientation Architecture, Ville, Paysage [60h] (4 credits) [ LICAR1606 ]

4.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Belderbos Marc ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Additional cumulative experience in developing a design approach.A question is posed having to do with the cultural conditions under which architecture is designed and built, following one of several possible approaches:The city and its landscape serve as the horizon of inhabitation, in continuity with previous development, orThe city is obsolete and incomplete, and new modes of inhabitation need to be proposed, orThe city and the landscape cannot develop other than through reactivation of existing traces, along with the invention of new principles and structures of inhabitation.The manner in which the question is posed will allow students to identify the theoretical convictions most fruitful for re-thinking urban phenomena (relevance, validity, durability of the city) and most likely to lead to renewal of modes of inhabitation.The studio will include a theoretical introduction, as well as a presentation of design case study analyses that may serve as a basis for evaluating projects.Questions addressed will include built fabric, networks, routes and infrastructure, public and private space, typology, morphology, density and circulation, under-used space, re-working traces of former route structures, extension of existing fabric, integrating isolated objects, gardens, parks and nature preserves, etc.

By the end of the course, students will be able to: Use drawing in order to analyze the existing situation in terms of landscape, historical sedimentation and urban articulations. Interpret the programme and evaluate its spatial implications in the given context. Organize spatial and constructive necessities of the programme, based on the particularities (geotechnics, topography, hydrography, vegetation, orientation) of the site. Work in plan, section and elevation. Produce, present and defend the project using manual and computer drawing techniques, in various scales and with proper use of perspective techniques.

Content /
Other information Other information (Prerequisites, Evaluation, Support...) 2 design studios
Cycle et année
> Bachelor in Engineering : Architecture
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in charge

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