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Health in the rescue operation [ LHUMA2220 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Guha Debarati ; Meert Philippe ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The course is divided into 4 modules: 1. Water and drainage work; 2. Transmissible diseases; 3. nutrition; 4. Healthcare structures and medical plans. Each one of these modules is approached within the framework of a medical intervention emergency.
Aims Within the framework of humanitarian emergencies and rescue operation, the student will be able for each module: - to understand the total health interactions between the populations in crisis and their environ-ment; - to evaluate and apprehend the operational emergencies related to health; - to understand the principles of the program scheduling of an intervention and their logistic medical implications; - to estimate the principal elements of the sanitary and health situation of a population and to propose planning an intervention; to assess and criticize a specific situation and to propose programs of intervention in this situation (case study).
Content teaching languages: French and English. During each module, the various aspects of a health evaluation and intervention are dealt with via lectures (gen-eral framework, talks given by field experts, theoretical and/or historical case studies, analysis of specific cases).
Other information No particular prerequisite, with the exception of "NOHA admissibility" (except for the knowledge of the English language). The participation in the courses, the discussions and the exercises are strongly advised. Evaluation Written exam with multiple choices questions and short open answers questions. Support Collection of references, presentations and other documents of the course available on the icampus Website.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Political Sciences: International Relations
Faculty or entity
in charge

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