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Définition et évaluation des risques psychosociaux individuels et collectifs [ LGRBE2303 ]

4.0 crédits ECTS  40.0 h  

Teacher(s) SOMEBODY ; Billieux Joël ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The syllabus is divided into several stages. Preliminary stage : A preliminary stage is available, but it is not compulsory. There is a manual covering an introduction to the issues of professional stress (legislation, cost, generally accepted ideas), and a section on the theoretical foundations of the WOCCQ (concepts, validation, models). Stage 1 : Manage and supervise a diagnosis project (supervision methodology). Students are required to complete the manual (12 pages) on how diagnosis is done. (Management committee). They must complete an exercise, in the form of a specific case, to apply the relevant principles. Stage 2 : Exploit and interpret the date with the help of the WOCCQTool. Students are required to watch a demonstration video on the WOCCQTool (45 minutes), which shows how to use it, and analyse and interpret the data. It is divided into different thematic sequences. A manual is available for further guidance which also explains how to analyse problem situations. There are two exercises. The first involves defining the WOCCQTool and encoding the downloaded questionnaires and enables students to practise using the WOCCQTool. The second is designed to familiarize students with how to interpret data: they are required to answer 8 questions on a data file and check them on an answer chart. Stage 3 : draw up a final report Students are required to draw up a final report on the data file. This is assessed (see Assessment).
Aims This training course is designed to enable students to make an independent psychosocial risk diagnosis with the aide of WOCCQ, to supervise the survey and to analyse the results with the help of the WOCCQTool. Students should be able to achieve three more precise objectives : 1) to manage and supervise a diagnosis project (supervision methodology) a. to form and lead a management committee b. to manage a survey 2) to exploit and interpret the data with the help of the WOCCQTool. a. to be able to use the tool b. to interpret the results 3) to draw up a final report
Content This training course is designed to enable students to make an independent psychosocial risk diagnosis with the aide of WOCCQ, to supervise the survey and to analyse the results with the help of the WOCCQTool. Students should be able to achieve three more precise objectives : 1) to manage and supervise a diagnosis project (supervision methodology) a. to form and lead a management committee b. to manage a survey 2) to exploit and interpret the data with the help of the WOCCQTool. a. to be able to use the tool b. to interpret the results 3) to draw up a final report
Other information Teaching methods : This is a distance learning course. A tutor is available to supervise students throughout the course and offer individual feedback at each stage. Discussion forums enable students to exchange views and ideas with each other. Assessment : Students are required to produce a report on data they are given. This is designed to enable them to draw meaning from raw data. Assessment is done on the basis of a marking table which includes e.g. elements that must be included in the report. Tutors may, if necessary, ask students to produce a second report (partial) on a topic area.
Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in Risks Management and Well-Being in the Workplace
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