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Questions de recherche en ergonomie [ LGRBE2206 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h  

Language French
of the course
Main themes The course provides an overview of the two main types of models in ergonomics, i.e. operator activity models and ergonomic intervention models. It mainly comprises presentation and discussion of the research done by the lecturers and researchers.
Aims This course is designed to formulate topics for research from problems in the workplace, to select methods to deal with these topics and to test the coherence and validity of the results.
Content This course is designed to formulate topics for research from problems in the workplace, to select methods to deal with these topics and to test the coherence and validity of the results. The course provides an overview of the two main types of models in ergonomics, i.e. operator activity models and ergonomic intervention models. It mainly comprises presentation and discussion of the research done by the lecturers and researchers.
Other information Teaching method(s) : Theoretical presentations. Illustration and discussion on real research projects. Assessment methods : Development of a research topic and methodological plan.
Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in Risks Management and Well-Being in the Workplace
Faculty or entity
in charge

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