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Organisation du travail et changements: cours transversal [ LGRBE2101 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h  

Teacher(s) Stinglhamber Florence ; SOMEBODY ; Henry Hélène (compensates Stinglhamber Florence) ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes - Towards a better understanding of organizational change - Reactions and attitudes of employees to change - Resistance to change : signs, causes and consequences - Management of employees' preoccupations at every stage in the process - Role of the manager as an agent of change - Practical tools of change management
Aims This course is designed to provide students with certain models and practical tools to enable them to gain a clearer understanding of a situation of organizational change and to manage the human aspect of change as well as possible. It enables students to gain a better understanding of what a change can call into question, to identify the preoccupations of employees at a time of change and to select the appropriate interventions, adapted to their needs at different stages of the change situation.
Content This course is designed to provide students with certain models and practical tools to enable them to gain a clearer understanding of a situation of organizational change and to manage the human aspect of change as well as possible. It enables students to gain a better understanding of what a change can call into question, to identify the preoccupations of employees at a time of change and to select the appropriate interventions, adapted to their needs at different stages of the change situation. - Towards a better understanding of organizational change - Reactions and attitudes of employees to change - Resistance to change : signs, causes and consequences - Management of employees' preoccupations at every stage in the process - Role of the manager as an agent of change - Practical tools of change management
Other information The course takes a variety of forms : lectures, illustrations, exercises and discussions.
Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in Risks Management and Well-Being in the Workplace
Faculty or entity
in charge

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