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Introduction aux disciplines (ergonomie, aspects psychosociaux, hygiène, etc) [ LGRBE2004 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h  

Teacher(s) Lison Dominique ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Hygiene : The course introduces the main concepts of danger, risk, exposure, permissible value, inter-individual susceptibility and illustrates them with real examples. Different approaches to chemical exposure are included. Psychosocial aspects: The course gives an overview of the development and changes which have taken place in the world of work. It covers and defines the different issues involving psychosocial aspects in the workplace. Different processes are covered : from professional stress to exhaustion, moral harassment to relational suffering in the workplace. There is also an overview of different methods of diagnosis and intervention. Ergonomics : The course defines the notions of physical and cognitive ergonomics. It introduces concepts of work, tasks (prescribed, effective etc) and activity. It puts work analysis in a systemic perspective, based on a large number of examples. There is an overview of ergonomic intervention through its objectives, principles, criteria, stages etc.
Aims Hygiene : Introduction to the main concepts in toxicology and industrial hygiene to establish a dialogue with specialists in the field. Psychosocial aspects: To bring participants up to date with recent changes in the world of work and the impact of this transformation in work on the well-being of employees. To introduce the basic concepts and definitions linked to the psychosocial aspects and give an overview of approaches for diagnosis and action. Ergonomics : To make participants aware of the many different facets of ergonomics and the current issues. To give an overview of the basic concepts, reference models and methods in ergonomics. Introduction to ergonomic intervention.
Content Hygiene : Introduction to the main concepts in toxicology and industrial hygiene to establish a dialogue with specialists in the field. Psychosocial aspects: To bring participants up to date with recent changes in the world of work and the impact of this transformation in work on the well-being of employees. To introduce the basic concepts and definitions linked to the psychosocial aspects and give an overview of approaches for diagnosis and action. Ergonomics : To make participants aware of the many different facets of ergonomics and the current issues. To give an overview of the basic concepts, reference models and methods in ergonomics. Introduction to ergonomic intervention. - Hygiene : The course introduces the main concepts of danger, risk, exposure, permissible value, inter-individual susceptibility and illustrates them with real examples. Different approaches to chemical exposure are included. - Psychosocial aspects: The course gives an overview of the development and changes which have taken place in the world of work. It covers and defines the different issues involving psychosocial aspects in the workplace. Different processes are covered : from professional stress to exhaustion, moral harassment to relational suffering in the workplace. There is also an overview of different methods of diagnosis and intervention. - Ergonomics : The course defines the notions of physical and cognitive ergonomics. It introduces concepts of work, tasks (prescribed, effective etc) and activity. It puts work analysis in a systemic perspective, based on a large number of examples. There is an overview of ergonomic intervention through its objectives, principles, criteria, stages etc.
Other information Teaching method(s) : Presentations, illustrations, discussions. Assessment Methods : Examination in January as part of a joint assessment with the Introduction to the disciplines course. Case study : description of a company with an issue involving the management of risks and well-being. Students are required to clarify the precise functions of the prevention experts and suggest actions to be taken : oral or written defence (to be confirmed) before two examiners selected from the lecturers.
Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in Risks Management and Well-Being in the Workplace
Faculty or entity
in charge

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