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Analyse du travail [ LGRBE2003 ]

2.0 crédits ECTS  20.0 h  

Language French
of the course
Main themes Introduction to the general concepts of work analysis. Objectives of work analysis depending on the disciplinary approach. Different forms of work analysis (including the underlying models and actions).
Aims This course is an analysis of work centred on the understanding, diagnosis and transformation of situations in the workplace. It is designed to introduce students to the different ways in which work can be analysed involving different disciplinary approaches (ergonomics, psychology and health and security).
Content This course is an analysis of work centred on the understanding, diagnosis and transformation of situations in the workplace. It is designed to introduce students to the different ways in which work can be analysed involving different disciplinary approaches (ergonomics, psychology and health and security). Introduction to the general concepts of work analysis. Objectives of work analysis depending on the disciplinary approach. Different forms of work analysis (including the underlying models and actions).
Other information Oral presentation of the theoretical and methodological elements together with exercises on real cases and issues from the world of work. Assessment methods : Assessment on exercises done during the course.
Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in Risks Management and Well-Being in the Workplace
Faculty or entity
in charge

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