Aims |
In-depth analysis of works of Classical Greek authors.
At the end of this course, the student will be capable to translate, analyse and comment on texts of an advanced level. He will be able to explain the historic and cultural context, to bring out the human values expressed therein, as well to undertake a personal research as an extension of the course.
Content |
The authors chosen for the course are Thucydides (The Peloponnesian War) and Aeschylus. After an introduction setting the author and his work in their context, the translation will be the subject of a methodical commentary. The students will be required to prepare a brief personal commentary of the authors and texts studied during the course, which they will present orally during the exam.
Bibliography |
1. The basic text is that of the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae, i.e; mostly the Oxford edition.
2. The Belles-Lettres edition, e.g. :
- Thucydides : La guerre du Péloponnèse. Livre I. Text and translation by J. de Romilly, Paris, 1953 ; Livre II, id., Paris, 1962.
- Aeschylus, Agamemnon, Les Choéphores, Les Euménides, text and translation by P. Mazon, 4e éd. revue et corrigée, Paris, 1949.
An additional bibliography will be distributed during the course.
Reference grammar:
- D. Planque, Grammaire grecque, 8th édition, Namur, 1977 (pdf version).