This biannual course is taught on years 2015-2016, 2017-2018, ....
Deproost Paul ;
Place of the course
LGLOR 1142 and LGLOR 1143 or a course deemed equivalent by the lecturer.
Main themes
A study of poetical works of Latin authors.
This course deals with the following themes:
1. Translation of works of Latin authors of the classical period;
2. Explanation of specific grammatical points (morphology and syntax);
3. A first approach to poetry writing and study of metres;
4. A commentary designed to put the work into context and to highlight the documentary and human values contained therein.
At the end of the course the student will be able to analyse grammatically, to translate and comment upon texts of average difficulty. He will be able to explain the context, and to bring out the human values expressed therein.
Evaluation methods
The final marks attributed will be based on:
- an oral exam based on the texts seen during the course (10 points)
- the mark given for the written work to be commented on during the exam (10 points)
Teaching methods
The translations prepared by the student will be corrected and commented during the course. If necessary specific grammar points will be revised.
The authors selected for 2011-2012 Virgil (Legend of Dido and Aeneas) After an introduction to place the work and its author in their context, there will be a commentary on the text and its grammar.
A bibliography is available via the on-line server iCampus
Reference works :
- F. Gaffiot, Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Francais Paris 2000 (many re-editions)
- A. Cart, P. Grimal e.a., Grammaire latine, Paris, Nathan, 2007.
- A.-M. Boxus, M. Lavency, Clauis. Grammaire latine pour la lecture des auteurs, Bruxelles, 3e éd., 1999