Dutch Literature: Authors images in the media age [ LGERM2836 ]
5.0 crédits ECTS
15.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Sergier Matthieu ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Prerequisites |
An introductory knowledge of Dutch literature and a good proficiency in Dutch (advanced level, B2 + of the Common European reference framework).
Main themes |
In-depth study of an author or a figure that has marked Dutch literature, his/her works and his/her institutional trajectory, with particular attention to the interaction between 'ethos' and public image.
Aims |
At the end of the course, students will be able to
- show methodological competences necessary for the in-depth study of different writer's figurations. Particular attention is drawn to the contrastive dynamics between the auctorial image in the author's writings (his "ethos") and on the other hand to the transformational process that that image undergoes under the influence of its mediatisation : the shaping of the writer's'posture' (literary critics, interviews, graphic arts, photography, television, movies,etc.).
- deepen their literary and cultural knowledge ;
- critically interpret texts and integrate the sociocultural context in this heuristic approach ;
- read and write scholarly essays in the domain studied.
This approach is a continuation of the courses on the history of literature and civilization of the bachelor program, and makes use of previously acquired insights into literary theory.
Evaluation methods |
Continuous assessment. Active participation in the course or seminar (oral presentation, discussions and workshops) is required : 20 %. If you do not attend the course, you lose 20% of your final mark.
Group presentation of an original analysis + discussion with the other students and teacher : 30 %.
Essay based on the presentation : 40 %.
Oral examen based on the essay : 10%.
Teaching methods |
Lectures. Audio-visual materials and interactive activities will be used. The students are expected to do some preparatory reading and research in order to take part in the discussion. If possible, the course will be organised as a seminar.
Content |
Frans Kellendonk is considered as one of the most talented writers of his generation. He belongs to the 'pantheon' of the100 most important Dutch writers. According to contemporary critics, he is one of the forerunners of the scepticism that haunts the European multicultural societal model. He owes this writer's posture to some comments he made in an interview after his novel Mystiek lichaam was just published. An in-depth analysis of several of Kellendonk's texts will help us address the following question: to what extent is this scepticism also present in his literary work?
Bibliography |
Other information |
Teaching material : Texts, handouts, documents on i-campus
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [60] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General
> Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General
> Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English
> Master [60] in Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English
Faculty or entity in charge |
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