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Pathology of sports [ LEDPH2136 ]

4.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Lambrecht Sophie ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Etiology of common sports injuries: the technopathy concept Basic principles in sports injury prevention Common sports injuries: overuse injuries, accidents Psychological issues in competitive sports Basics about the pre-participation physical examination: why, how, when? Essentials in sports injuries treatment: the relative rest concept and progressive return to competition Some ethical issues in competitive sport: doping, high-level competition in the child
Aims At the end of the course the student will understand and be aware of the main sport injuries mechanisms. He will be able to identify the development of most common sports injuries and to orient the injured athlete towards appropriate medical care. He will have basic knowledge about prevention and treatment of common sports injuries.
Content At the end of this learning activity, students will have the understanding and knowledge of the main mechanisms at the origin of diseases and injuries of athletes. It will be able to identify the occurrence of major diseases occurring in relation to sport and to guide the athlete to support broadly appropriate to the nature and severity of the illness or injury. It will have basic knowledge about sports injuries the most frequent and the action to be taken in the prevention and treatment of these injuries. Main themes: Aetiopathogenesis of diseases and injuries of athletes: the concept of technopathie. Prevention of sports trauma: basic principles. Major injuries and ailments, sports injuries, damage to overload. Psychological aspects of sport. Athletic ability. Major therapeutic sports traumatology: concepts and rest on the gradual Ethical issues in competitive sport de haut niveau: doping, elite sport in children.
Other information Written examination
Cycle et année
> Master [60] in Motor Skills: Physical Education
> Master [120] in Motor Skills: Physical Education
> Master [120] in Motor Skills: General
Faculty or entity
in charge

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